I am both excited and nervous. She also explained that because of my elevated amniotic fluid levels, they believe I have had gestational diabetes ( even though I passed the glucose test) and that his little lungs may not be ready at 37 weeks :*( So, we are praying that his lungs are developed and he won't have any problems. God is able!!
Friday, April 29, 2011
We Have A Date!!
We have a date for the arrival of our little bundle of joy. After my last set of blood work and 24 hour urine test, my OB decided it was in the best interest of myself and baby to go ahead and deliver. So, Wednesday May 4, 2011 I will be induced unless he decides to arrive earlier.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Homemade Mac n' Cheese
I had been on a hunt for a homemade mac n' cheese recipe for the family. All the kiddos love mac n' cheese, but Hubby doesn't particularly care for the boxed kind and he was a little picky on the homemade ones. I tried several others before I found this one. I have tweaked it a bit to suit our tastes. It's really pretty simple, 15 minutes prep time and 20-25 minutes bake time. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease 2 quart casserole dish.
1 2/3 cups dry, small elbow macaroni, cooked and drained
2 tbsp corn starch
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp salt
1 (12oz) can evaporated milk
1 cup water
2 TBSP butter
3 slices cheese (I use American)
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Combine the cornstarch, salt, and pepper in a saucepan. Stir in evaporated milk, water, and butter. Cook on medium heat stirring constantly until it comes to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat, stir in slices of cheese and 1 1/2 cup shredded cheese until melted.
Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup shredded cheese over top (I used a little more than 1/2 cup) .
Bake for 20-25 minutes until cheese is melted and light brown. YUMMY!!!!
This started out being the HOLIDAY mac n' cheese, but it's so easy and delicious, I now usually fix it instead of the box mixes. Hubby and the kiddos love it.
Happy Easter!!!
Mary came unto the tomb of Jesus, The stone was moved, He had gone away.
The angel said "Fear not, I know whom seek ye, for He has risen"
This she heard him say.
GONE the stone is rolled back, GONE the tomb is empty,
GONE to sit at the Father's side, GONE over death triumphant,
GONE sin is defeated, GONE He lives forever more!!!
A portion of one of my favorite Easter songs. I am so thankful Christ died for me, though I am most undeserving. That is what this holiday is all about, Jesus' death on the cross, burial in a tomb, and RESURRECTION from the dead. There is absolutely NOTHING we could ever do to earn our place in Heaven. The price has been paid, once for all. I live under the blood!!!!
This of course is cause to celebrate with our families. We choose a mixture of things. First priority, of course, is church service to worship the ONE who died for me and now lives. Yes, I do "fall" into the Easter attire tradition. I enjoy shopping for Easter clothes for our family. I must say, they clean up rather nice:) I unfortunately was unable to attend this year due to my bed rest orders. I even had a pretty purple dress to wear :(
BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! If I do say so myself.
Then, yes, we do the traditional Easter eggs, Easter baskets and usually color Easter eggs.
Once again, unfortunately this year, I was unable to go out and get the coloring or prepare the eggs to dye. However, when Grandma comes down, I think we might try to get this one accomplished as well.
I see nothing wrong with celebrating and having fun as long as we remember what the day is truly about. We emphasize to our children that today is not about the Easter bunny, the eggs, candy or toys; though all those things are nice and fun. It is about Christ's death on the cross and what it means to us personally. I am thankful to say, all of my children that are old enough to understand have made personal professions of salvation and the younger ones (including Samuel) are prayed for daily so that when the time comes, they also will accept the One who gave His live for our sins.
You've seen the bumper sticker, you can't take it with you? Well, my husband and I disagree with that. We can take our most valuable gifts, our children. All because Jesus paid it ALL!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Plan for the Week
THERE ISN'T ONE!!! Ha ha. No seriously, the menu plan is out the window, here's why. The wonderful ladies at our church are providing meals for the next two weeks until my mother-in-law gets here. What an answer to prayer. I like take out as much as anyone else, but it does get old.
It is also a relief for hubby. He was trying to work all day, run home with dinner, then back out to finish up his deliveries. He's so sweet.
Now that the meals are taken care of, we have a few things to finish up in the next couple weeks. First, I would like to get the seasonal clothing change finished and out of the way. Second, I (by I, I mean the kiddos) need to get all of baby's clothing and such washed up. Third, we have to rearrange some furniture upstairs to make room for baby needs. And finally, I hope to get the kids all caught up on school (this running to the doctor's, hospital, etc. has once again slowed schooling down).
That's it. Hopefully it will all come together. Baby will be here in two weeks!!! Can't wait :o) Let the countdown begin.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Day #2 of Strict Bed Rest
Well, we have survived 1 day of strict bed rest. The kids have been very helpful, and occasionally whiney :o) I got a little reading done, worked on the lesson and crafts for Children's Church, searched all over the internet, and of course watched way too much television.
What to do today?? Well, I had a baby shower Tuesday, so I thought I would go ahead and write the thank you notes today. I have to finish the crafts for Children's Church. I need to make a menu and grocery list for next week so hubby can go to the store. Then, some more reading, surfing the web, and television overload (too bad there really isn't anything good on).
Any other ideas? I've got two weeks of this, I sure could use some more things to do!!!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Strict Bed Rest
Well, it's happened. I had another doctor appointment this am and landed myself on strict bed rest with bathroom privileges. They did an ultrasound and baby looks good. He scored an 8 out of 8. I however, did not do so well. I have been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. We were expecting this and I have a wonderful OB doctor who has watched me very carefully, so I tend to listen to her.
So, here's the plan right now. As I said before, I have been placed on strict bed rest with only bathroom privileges. I have to have blood work done every week as well as a 24 hour urine. We will be induced the first week in May (unsure of exact date right now) and they mentioned putting me in the hospital the week before that to do an amniocentesis and make sure baby's lungs are mature and give steroids if necessary.
So, though my beloved husband has a lot on his plate, he just got some more added. I can't do any housework, laundry, meal prep, shopping, etc., etc. You get the picture. Bless his heart. He is an amazing man. And of course, we have the 5 children at home all day and my older ones are very helpful, they will have to step up to the plate and help out too.
I'm not one to sit around a lot and do nothing (I have 5 children even if I wanted to, I can't). So, I've been reading online about bed rest and I've gotten a few good ideas. First, some much needed catch up on reading time. I love to read, just don't usually have time to do it. Sadly, I haven't thought much past that. I spend a good deal of time on Children's Church prep, so I can get a few weeks ahead on that. And, since I didn't get the seasonal clothing change out done, I will be directing that from my bed:) Hope the kiddos are ready for all of this. I'm not sure I am.
Please keep us in your prayers. We want to at least get to 37 weeks for the baby's health, but don't want to place my health in extra danger, so I will be very obedient to doctor's orders. Not an easy thing for a medical professional I must say. Will keep you all posted!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
34 Weeks
We have made it this far!!! Time sure does fly. Only 5 more weeks at the most. My OB doctor said yesterday we would be inducing at 39 weeks if Baby Samuel does not arrive sooner. Hard to believe this house will be filled with the sounds of baby again soon.
Am I ready?? WELL........ Ready to take care of another baby, yes!! Ready as in have my bag packed and baby stuff washed and ready? NO!!! Guess I'd better get on that. So much to do in the next few weeks, I just don't think it will all get done (well, the bag will of course). Some of the rest may wait until I have some more help here.
My friends from work had a baby shower for me last night and that was so much fun. I got the one thing I had hoped for - the FisherPrice Newborn Rock n' Play Sleeper. A good friend who just had a baby highly recommended it, so I'll let you know what I think after Baby Samuel uses it for a while.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Plan for the Week
Wow, have I been a slacker in the blogging department lately. In my defense, there has been a lot going on. I was officially put on bedrest (which you would think would allow a lot of time for blogging). I am allowed up for 3 hours a day!!! Not as easy as it sounds, let me tell you. Anyway, obviously, the menu this week will have to be simple enough for the kiddos to prepare as I direct them from my chair:)
Monday - Chicken and dumplings (per Mr Gamer's request)
Tuesday - Out to dinner for my first of two Baby Shower's YAY!!!!
Wednesday - homemade pizzas (everyone will get to make their own)
Thursday - hamburgers, baked beans, french fries and fruit
Friday - Combined Youth Choir at Tabernacle Baptist Church - I hear they are feeding everyone before the service:). So that's the plan for now.
Saturday - Hot Dogs, pasta salad, chips and fruit
Sunday - ?????
Tuesday and Friday are definitely subject to change. I have my MD appointments those days and sometimes land myself in the hospital for the afternoon for "further monitoring". So, we'll see. We also have a birthday party Saturday afternoon and another baby shower Sunday night after church. It's not so easy calculating out 3 hours a day when there is so much going on:) I'm doing what I'm suppose to though. I am praying for a happy, healthy baby and am following Dr's orders (also not so easy to do being a nurse and all).
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Good News
Well, my high-risk OB doctor released me today. My blood pressure was okay, baby seems to growing fine, and all the tests so far have been good. He said my regular doctor could do all the monitoring from now on. YAY!!!
Only down side to this, no more 4D ultrasounds :( I did so love them. I must say, I was very disappointed this am when the girls didn't even get me one picture. They just checked his heartbeat, movement, breathing, and fluid levels. NOT ONE PICTURE!!!!! :(
We are talking induction at no later than 39 weeks, so that puts us around the week of May 16th at the latest. We are hoping my blood pressure stays under control for the next few weeks and then he just decides to come on his own. That is our prayer anyway.
Now, we're in waiting mode. Will keep you all posted, but unfortunately, no more sneak peaks. We will just have to wait until he arrives to see his little face again.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Plan For The Week
Well, it's April. Only about 6 more weeks til baby Samuel is suppose to be here. We think it will happen sooner, but who knows?
This is a week full of appointments for both me and the kiddos. Today is my only "stay at home" day. So, meals will definitely be simple this week.
Monday: Smoked Turkey Breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and corn
Tuesday: grilled chicken, rice and mixed veggies (Ultrasound scheduled to check out baby's growth and development)
Wednesday: homemade pizza (dentist appointments for two of the five)
Thursday: spaghetti and meatballs (two year old has a dentist appointment, has to have a couple cavities filled:( )
Friday: bbq chicken, mac n cheese, and peas (NST testing at the OB's office, hooked up to the machine for about 30 minutes if all goes well then see the OB)
Saturday: eating out on way to youth rally.
This is not a week for trying new recipes, maybe next week. As you can see, lots of running to do this week. Stay tuned for more pics of baby and to keep updated as to what is going on.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week :)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Two Steppin Tenderloin
It has been a great week!! My dad came down from WV to help us get some stuff done in the basement. He didn't get a lot done, but enjoyed his visit with his grandkids anyway (which was our motive to start with). We wish he would visit more often, he seems to do so much better when he is with family. It has been some hard times for him since my mom passed away almost 3 years ago. So, as a "reward" I fixed a recipe that he had seen on tv and wanted to try - two steppin' tenderloin.
He had seen it on a cowboy cooking show on RFD-tv, a channel I had not even heard of. However, he was smart enough to write the website down and I checked it out (I should have written it down too, because I cannot find it right now). It was actually very good and extremely simple.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Heat an ovenproof, non-stick skillet over medium heat (I used my cast iron skillet).
Now, all you need are tenderloin steaks cut 1-1 1/2 inches thick (we used sirloins). Season them to your tastes before you start, I used garlic salt, onion salt and pepper(you could also use any type of seasoning packets).
Place those seasoned steaks in the skillet and brown for 2 minutes on each side.
Then, place the skillet into preheated oven (I put the lid on mine so the grease and oil would not splash everywhere). Cook for 13 to 18 minutes depending on how you like your steaks. I prefer medium well and dad and hubby prefer medium, so I took theirs out at 14 minutes and left mine in until about 16 minutes. **You will have to watch your times and adjust based on your oven. My oven lately has not been heating as well it seems, so I have to add minutes.
Dad and hubby's steaks came out nice and brown on the outside, but pink/red in the middle. PERFECT!!! They were nice and tender. The only thing I will change next time is more seasoning on the outside. Load those steaks up! I want to try the Montreal seasoning next time. Serve with your favorite sides and YUM!!!! Our favorite sides are usually homemade french fries and some type of beans.
I love grilled steaks, but can't always use the grill. These were a very good way to do them indoors. Now that grill season is here, we'll probably go to that. I will however, definitely keep this recipe handy for the colder seasons:)
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