We have made it this far!!! Time sure does fly. Only 5 more weeks at the most. My OB doctor said yesterday we would be inducing at 39 weeks if Baby Samuel does not arrive sooner. Hard to believe this house will be filled with the sounds of baby again soon.
Am I ready?? WELL........ Ready to take care of another baby, yes!! Ready as in have my bag packed and baby stuff washed and ready? NO!!! Guess I'd better get on that. So much to do in the next few weeks, I just don't think it will all get done (well, the bag will of course). Some of the rest may wait until I have some more help here.
My friends from work had a baby shower for me last night and that was so much fun. I got the one thing I had hoped for - the FisherPrice Newborn Rock n' Play Sleeper. A good friend who just had a baby highly recommended it, so I'll let you know what I think after Baby Samuel uses it for a while.
Let me know if you need me to come sooner!!!!