Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday : EPIC FAIL

I have a confession to make.  I did NOT lose the 10 pounds I had planned on and have absolutely NO excuse.  On the bright side,  I didn't gain over Easter either!!  I really have to get on this and get this weight off.  I really just need one really good week and the motivation will be there.  As of right now,  that has not happened, again no one's fault but mine.

So here we go again this week.  The holiday's are pretty much done for now, so marching on.  I went to the grocery store this am and stocked up on fruits and salads.

The goal this week is starting small; 2-3 pounds.  I would be very happy with that.

The menu for the rest of the week goes as follows:
         Tonight : Mango Mahi with rice, fresh pineapple, and a side salad
         Thursday : Grilled BBQ chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and salad
         Friday : crockpot steak n gravy with noodles, potatoes and corn (this by far is the worst day, but     it's also a work day and the meal has to pretty much prepare itself)
         Saturday : Hawaiian bbq chicken in the crockpot with rice
         Sunday : Eating out (I'll have salad with the leftover chicken, but the rest will eat out as I work)


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