Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unsocialized Homeschool Children? I Think Not!!

One of the first questions asked by people when they find out I homeschool is, how do you socialized them? My response is simple, they have plenty of friends from church, previous schools, family, other siblings, and of course there are neighborhood children. We take every opportunity to allow the children to interact with others. As often as we can, we will have their friends over either for the afternoon or sometimes overnight. We meet other homeschool families at the park or zoo and have picnics when the weather allows. The following are pictures taken one day while the boys had a couple friends from our old church over. Take a look, do they look unsocialized to you???

I also will say to you that children that go to school can be unsocialized!! Our priority with homeschooling of course is to provide our children with a quality Christian education. I also realize they need friends and activities to provide them interaction outside of their little circle. I believe you can balance all of that and have intelligent, happy, responsible, and of course well-socialized children if you do it correctly.

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